Welcome to My Feel Good F'n Courses, where we believe in unleashing your inner superhero! Just like your favorite comic book characters, you possess incredible powers waiting to be unlocked. But sometimes, even superheroes encounter obstacles that hold them back.

My Feel Good F'n Courses understands that your journey to greatness might be hindered by your own personal "kryptonite" – those limiting beliefs that keep you from realizing your full potential.

We’re here to help you move from the heavy feelings of fear, doubt, and frustration toward the lighter, more powerful emotions of love and freedom. Using the Emotional Guidance Scale, we guide you step by step to shift your mindset across the Fundamental Five F’s.

The Fundamental Five F's

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First off, I’ll talk about Finance. Managing your finances effectively and developing a positive finance mindset is crucial for security and peace of mind. Financial stability allows you to meet your needs, enjoy life without undue stress, and have the freedom to pursue your passions.

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Next is Fitness slash Food. Physical health is completely necessary to live a balanced life. This includes regular exercise and a nutritious diet. Fitness helps maintain energy levels, improves mood, and reduces the risk of chronic diseases. Proper nutrition fuels your body, supports mental clarity, and boosts your immune system. Having a positive mindset around this area of your life is an absolute must for everyone.

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Then we have Friendships and Family. These relationships are vital for emotional support, happiness, and a sense of belonging. Nurturing connections with friends and family provide love, encouragement, and a safety net during difficult times. They also allow us to enrich our lives with shared experiences, memories, and personal growth. A positive mindset in this area means focusing on building and fostering relationships that uplift you and practicing gratitude and sometimes forgiveness for the people in your life.

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Faith, whether religious or spiritual, offers a sense of purpose and meaning. It can provide comfort during challenging times, guide moral and ethical decisions, and foster inner peace. For many, faith also connects them to a community with shared values and support systems. Developing a positive mindset in faith involves trusting in the journey, embracing uncertainty, and finding peace in the belief that there is a greater plan at work. This perspective can be incredibly grounding and empowering, especially in difficult times.

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Last but definitely not least is fun! Enjoying life through hobbies, entertainment, and relaxation is essential for stress relief and overall happiness. Fun activities recharge your spirit, stimulate creativity, and help maintain a positive outlook. Balancing work and responsibilities with leisure ensures you remain engaged and passionate about life.

Fun allows you to decompress, tap into joy, and maintain a light-hearted approach to life. It balances out the seriousness of responsibilities and helps you stay enthusiastic and engaged. A positive mindset in this area means prioritizing fun and recognizing its value in your overall well-being. It’s about giving yourself permission to play, relax, and enjoy the moment without guilt.

Each of these areas plays a vital role in your overall happiness and fulfillment. Our courses are designed to take you through a transformative journey, helping you rise from emotions like fear and anger to the empowering states of love, joy, and freedom.

What is the Emotional Guidance Scale?

It’s a concept that is based on the teachings of Abraham-Hicks (a spiritual and inspirational teacher) that is designed to help individuals understand and navigate their emotions towards achieving greater emotional well-being and alignment with their desires.

The Emotional Guidance Scale outlines a spectrum of emotions ranging from lower vibrational states like fear and unworthiness to higher vibrational states such as excitement, happiness and love. These emotions are arranged in an ascending order based on their vibrational frequency, with the higher emotions being more positive and conducive to personal growth and fulfillment.

The idea behind the Emotional Guidance Scale is that by identifying and acknowledging your current emotional state, you can then intentionally shift towards emotions that are higher on the scale. This process involves consciously choosing thoughts and actions that help raise your vibration and align with more positive emotions. It serves as a practical tool for self-awareness and emotional management, that empowers you to take control of your thoughts and emotions to create a more fulfilling life experience.

My Feel Good F’n Courses takes you one step at a time up the emotional scale as to not overwhelm your conscious mind. You may have, in the past, tried using affirmations like ‘I am rich’ or ‘I am wealthy’ but your conscious mind knocks it back saying ‘nah ah’ you’re not rich or wealthy and you feel worse off than before you’ve even started. What My Feel Good F’n Courses aims to do is sneak your conscious mind up the emotional chart with each feeling and emotion being a little bit better than the previous one. That way your conscious mind doesn’t reject it but feels more comfortable around each emotion. Then you go up to the next emotion until you eventually reach the feeling of love and freedom.

The Japanese call this type of concept ‘kaizen’ which translates as ‘change for the better’ or ‘continuous improvement’. By making small incremental improvements using different processes you can make significant improvements over time.

Are you ready to conquer your kryptonite and become the hero of your own story? Join us today and start your transformational journey towards a life of joy, purpose, and abundance. Let's make feel-good moments happen together!

Download your free copy of the Emotional Guidance Scale Reference Chart here!

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